Board Members

Bryan Jackson
Founder and President

Krystle Valdez-Phelps
Executive Secretary
At Ivy’s Transitional Housing for God’s People I support our mission through any means necessary. Including but not limited to client intake, connecting clients to social assistance, over seeing social media just to name a few. As well as assisting with clients basic needs and their spiritual growth.

Brian Phelps
Chief Of Operations
In my roll as COO I am responsible for supporting the vision of Ivy’s Transitional Housing for God’s people and the mission of Ivy’s Take Back What The Devil Stole From Us program whenever and wherever needed. Practically , I do whatever needs to get done. Everything from intaking clients, serving meals, and leading Bible studies as well as problem solving and implementing new ideas as the program evolves and client needs change. I believe my personal experiences with addiction and homelessness make me ideally suited to help assist our clients and I feel incredibly blessed to be a part of this organization.

Susan King
Employment Coach
Susan King has worked in the non profit industry for 10+ years. She is a pre-imployment Coach, training in inerview skills, resume writing and job searching. She is an award winning, published author with Christian Writers for Life.

Lorene Winston
Treasurer and Tax Pro

Dorothy Smith
Treasurer’s Secretary